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Monday, February 28, 2005

It's Baaaack...

I got a pleasant surprise this morning when I pulled up to the drive thru window at Tim Horton's and got my coffee. Roll Up The Rim To Win is back!

Of course I just rolled up the rim and won... nothing... oh well, I sense a free donut in my future...

Friday, February 25, 2005

Can You Say Backfired?

They have been holding a contest, or an auction, I guess, and the winner gets to name the former Fleet Center in Boston. The name will be on the arena for one day. Well, it turns out that the move may have backfired:

Boston's 'JeterCenter?" -Yanks fan wins 1-day naming rights for Boston arena.

Oh well, they did cover their asses a little bit:

"Arena officials have reserved the right to approve or reject any winning bid."

Even though I am a serious Boston fan (at least for baseball and basketball) I still think they should do it. They guy paid $2,325.00 after all...

Stupid is as Stupid does...

It seems as though Saint John is not the only city that has dumb criminals...

Burglars held after calling police

Monday, February 21, 2005

Parents Beware: 'Shrek 2' Features Transgenderism And Crossdressing Themes

OMG! How did I not see this when I watched Shrek 2! I was so blind...

A little exerpt:
An earlier scene in the movie features a wolf dressed in grandma's clothing and reading a book when Prince Charming encounters him. Later, one of the characters refers to the wolf's gender confusion.
All along I thought that the animated wolf wearing grandma's nightie was really a female wolf settling in for a nice nap. Little did I know this animated wolf is actually gender confused. The Horror!

Oh well, at least the Traditional Values Coalition is there to look out for my well being. It truly makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know that an organization like this is there to keep us protected form evil cross-dressing wolves and animated she-male bartenders. What would this world be like without an agency such as this?

Friday, February 18, 2005

What a Week...

Well, TGIF!

This week has been a bit crazy here at work, last minute changes and problems required a couple of late nights... Hopefully everything is fixed up now, fingers and toes are crossed...

An interesting (but very annoying) thing happened to me yesterday. I got my first bit of Cell Phone Spam. Not text message spam, but an actual spam phone call. Here is how it goes:
The phone rings (obviously)

I answer...

A pleasant voice proceeds to tell me how I have won a trip to Orlando...

OK, I think, what's the deal...

She (it is a recording) continues to tell me that I will only have to pay a small fee of $19.99 to process it, blah blah blah, then I am off to Orlando!

I just hit the end button and forgot about it.
Of course I talked about it with my co-workers and then this morning one of them told me that they got the same phone call. If you listen to the whole message it tells you to press 9 to accept the charges (I guess the $19.99 will be billed to your phone) but supposedly when you do this you are actually giving them permission to use your phone number for whatever purposes they want. Hello $1,000.00 cell phone bill...

If anyone has any info about this it would be good to hear, got to stop the spammers and scammers...

Of course if you are one of the spammers or scammers I got two words for you...

Knock Knock!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Your Invited...

A lot of people have been posting lately about how many Gmail invites they have. I just checked my Gmail and it turns out that I have 50 invites, so if anyone wants an invite just post an email address and I will send one off...

P.S. Still no sneeze...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

To Sneeze... Or Not To Sneeze...

I am not going to cry and complain because I have a cold. I am not looking for sympathy. But this is a strange one. I usually get a bad sinus cold each year, usually around Christmas. This year I made it through Christmas without a sniffle, but this past weekend the sinus bug caught up with me.

I medicated myself pretty well last night and I was a bit better til I went to bed. As soon as I layed down I was congested again... Oh well, old news, I am used to it. So I head off to work completely stuffed up. Itchy eyes and runny nose, all of the usual symptoms. But you know what feels best when you have a sinus cold? A great big sneeze. But for some reason today I CAN NOT sneeze!

Twice I thought I had it, my eyes started shaking and my mouth opened and... nothing... Oh well, maybe someone can give me a how to make yourself sneeze home remedy or something...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

On Skiing... and Greed...

Here I am, back at work after a 4 day weekend. It is amazing how a few days away from work causes you to completely forget everything. That's the good part. Unfortunately when you get back you have to somehow remember it all. I wasn't even in the door before my boss started asking me to do stuff. Oh well, that's why I get paid the big money... not ! ;-)

Anyway, we had an awesome weekend at Mont Sainte Anne. The weather was incredible, we were actually too hot as opposed to the way too cold we experienced at Sugarloaf last year. The skiing was excellent, too, and nobody broke anything! There were a few mishaps, some backwards skiing by Jillian, and lots to eat and drink. All in all a very successful ski weekend getaway.

Now for the greed portion of my post... I did let it all ride on the Pats, because I was very confident that they would win it all. However, a simple win only paid 1.39... Not a lot of return on your investment. The point spread was 7 so, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that the Pats would cover the spread. I predicted that they would win by 10. Well, things were going great, and the Pats had the Eagles by 10 with about 7 minutes to go in the game. I thought I was pretty smart. Well, to make a long story short, I am dumb, and all of my "betting money" is gone... Oh well, I just wanted to make it through the NFL season without adding any more money to the pot and I did. I guess I shouldn't have gotten greedy at the end...

Friday, February 04, 2005


We are off to Mont St. Anne... See you in a few days...


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Excitement She Wrote...

The Amazing Race was good last night, it is down to the nitty-gritty now. We are still hoping that Kris and Jon can win it, but really I think that any of the remaining teams would be worthy of the $1 million first prize, they have all competed pretty well, so far. I am not sure if Freddy and Kendra made a mistake by not yeilding Kris and Jon. Adam and Rebecca always seem to find a way to get there, and even though they were yeilded last night they were still in the hunt, at least it seems that they were...

I wish they would have a running clock on at least one team each episode, that way you would know exactly how long it takes them to do everything. It looked like Adam and Rebecca were right behind Kris and Jon, but for all we know they may have been an hour behind. But, I guess we can tell from their starting times on the next show... But that invloves math...