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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hot Dog!

I am a big winner!

It only took me 5 tries this year and I won the Grandaddy of all prizes in the Tim Horton's Roll up the Rim to Win contest!

No, not Un Biscuit, an actual Coffee! Yup, a free coffee...

Life doesn't get much better than this...

Monday, February 27, 2006

0 - 1 ...

Roll up the Rim to Win started again today and I am already 0 - 1...

If this keeps up my record will be worse than the Canadian Olympic Men's Hocky Team...


0 - 2 now...

Thursday, February 23, 2006


We had a few visitors to our backyard this morning... Not the best picture, they didn't really want to pose...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Woe Canada...

So we are not even going to get a medal in hockey.. sad... very sad...

Pronger and Bertuzzi didn't even perform well enough to play on the local senior team, let alone team Canada at the Olympics...

Where was Crosby, Stall, and Phaneuf? Where were the young guys that actually wanted to play for this team?

Modano said earlier that there was something wrong at the top of USA hockey, well, this Olympics proved that there is something wrong at the top of Hockey Canada, too. There was no willingness to admit that the "older" guys were just that, old... We were shut out 3 times! 3 times!! Pathetic...

Well, no use crying, I am pretty certain that Russian team will win gold... No shame in losing to the best, right?

Oh yeah, Switzerland...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bubbles is excited...

To be one of the hosts of the upcoming East Coast Music Awards. He will be joined by Ricky and Julian, of course.
"Oh I'm @*$%~*# excited alright!" show character Bubbles is quoted as saying in the news release.

"There are probably all kinds of record company people there and I'm hoping if I sing some of my songs to them they might want to sign me to a record deal and I could become a big Country & Western star. Liquor and Whores is always a big hit down at the legion, so you never know!"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Jake is one cool customer...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Steelers 12th Man...

I saw this pic on another blog and had to post it, pretty funny, and accurate...