Work, Work, Work...
Well I have been very busy lately here at work, I haven't even had any time to write a decent entry in my blog. Things are starting to cool down a bit, so I thought I would take some time and actually write something, even though all I want to do is link to a really interesting article.
So Friday night is going to be fun... The Tragically Hip are playing here in Saint John and a few of us are going. Troy was in T.O. to see them this weekend, apparently it was a good concert, maybe if he reads this he will post a small review. I really like the Hip and am looking forward to a great concert. The last time I saw them was here about 4 years ago, I think... Scott came over and I think we had a pretty good time, even though I had some sort of flu (not the brown bottle kind, either) and I was not the funnest that I have ever been...
Anyway, this time I am certain we will have a blast... A Friday night concert is always a good thing...

What can you do, they're all gone
And we'll go too.