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Thursday, July 29, 2004

Finally some photos...

My wife will be so nice to me after she sees this, I have finally gotten a few pictures online. More will follow soon, I promise, but for now these will have to do.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


The right for gays/lesbians to marry has been a hot topic recently. Now it is really being thrust into the forefront as the greatest tv show ever is going to let one (or two) of it's recurring characters out of the closet so he/she can walk down the aisle.

Any wagers as to who? Obviously Waylan Smithers is a good choice, or one of Marge's sisters... But maybe it will be someone a little more surprizing? I will take a stab and say Armin Tanzarian.

Any guesses?

Friday, July 23, 2004

Oh yeah, another thing

Seeing as Molson and Coors have now united will we be seeing some new ads? How about some "Why can't we get along with our neighbours across the border" crap? Is this the end of the wonderful I am Canadian ads? It really makes the whole "Why don't I drink American beer" ads look silly doesn't it?


Just some stuff

Been a whole week since I posted anything, why? because I am lazy. Anyway, some more crappy weather today, it is getting really depressing, summer is short enough without having to put up with this. Oh well, just holding out for that one nice week.

Had a really strange dream last night, for some reason a company that Troy was working for got him entered in a PGA golf tournament. I was his caddy. It was really weird because I kept taking off with his clubs because there was a wedding going on (not sure who's) but I wanted to go to the party :-) 

Anyway, when it was all done I saw Troy and I asked him how he did and he said that he was +3. Well for those who don't know that is a great score, especially for your first PGA event, and especially when your caddy keeps taking off with your clubs. Troy was playing with Greg Norman so maybe the Shark lent him some clubs.  I then asked him what his previous best score was and he said 78!?! Have you been holding out on us?

Anyway, the dream continued with Troy heading to the airport to leave for home, Troy lived in Toronto in my dream. So he gets on the plane, it is this old DC-10 sort of plane and there is something wrong with the plane so it is not going to take off. We are waiting for him to come back in to the terminal and he does not show. Jillian's dad (not sure why he was there) then informs us that Troy has decided to take a cab back to Toronto. We say wow, that must be expensive and Dave says, "Yeah, but his company is paying for it." I am not sure who this wonderful company was but Jeff was also entered in the tournament but we only knew this, we did not talk to him or see him play, that was the most realistic thing about the whole dream!~


Friday, July 16, 2004

Time for a little more humour

Seeing as it's Friday, I will add one more post to keep me sane untill the weekend officially starts. This is an exerpt from a Page 2 column (espn.com)..... 

Q: If an animal attacks a PETA supporter, do the rest of the PETA people have to stand there and watch it happen so as not to hurt the animal? Or, would the attackee even want to be saved because if he was saved, he would be interrupting the animal's meal?-- Ronnie, Edmonton, Canada

JK: This is a great question -- particularly considering the fact that PETA supporters are frequently naked. One can only imagine the joy that would be derived from seeing a wild boar simultaneously drive both his tusks into Pamela Anderson's breast implants -- like a saline shish kabob -- while Paul McCartney looked on helplessly, wondering if his new bride's remaining leg would be the crazed boar's next meal. Ronnie -- if you are younger than 25, I'd like to adopt you. 
BS: I'm afraid to say anything right now. Those PETA people are like Scientologists -- you don't even want to look cross-eyed at them. They're terrifying.

They need our help

Since September 11, 2001, Americans and Canadians have come together as never before in our generation. We have banded together to overcome tremendous adversity. We have weathered direct attacks on our own soil, wars overseas, corporate/government scandal, layoffs, unemployment, stock price plunges, droughts, fires, mad cow, SARS, high gasoline prices, and a myriad of economic and physical disasters both great and small.But now, we must come together once again to overcome our greatest challenge yet.

Hundreds of Professional Hockey players in our very own nation are going to be locked out, living at well below the seven-figure salary level. And as if that weren't bad enough they could be deprived of their life giving pay for several months, possibly longer, as a result of the pcoming lockout situation. But you can help!

For only $20,835 a month, about $694.50 a day (that's less than the cost of a large screen projection TV) you can help an NHL player remain economically viable during his time of need. This contribution by no means solves the problem as it barely covers the annual minimum salary, but it's a start, and every little bit will help!

Although $700 may not seem like a lot of money to you, to a hockey player it could mean the difference between spending the lockout golfing in Florida or on a Mediterranean cruise. For you, seven hundred dollars is nothing more than a month's rent, half a mortgage payment, or a month of medical insurance, but to a hockey player, $700 will partially replace his daily salary.

Your commitment of less than $700 a day will enable a player to buy that home entertainment center, trade in the year-old Lexus for a new Ferrari, or enjoy a weekend in Rio.


Each month, you will receive a complete financial report on the player you sponsor. Detailed information about his stocks, bonds, 401(k), real estate, and other investment holdings will be mailed to your home. Plus, upon signing up for this program, you will receive an unsigned photo of the player lounging during the lockout on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean (for a signed photo, please include an additional $150). Put the photo on your refrigerator to remind you of other peoples' suffering.


Your NHL player will be told that he has a SPECIAL FRIEND who just wants to help in a time of need. Although the player won't know your name, he will be able to make collect calls to your home via a special operator in case additional funds are needed for unforeseen expenses.


I would like to sponsor a locked out NHL player. My preference is (check below):

[ ] Forward [ ] Defenseman [ ] Goaltender [ ] Entire team (Please call our 900 number to ask for the cost of a specific team - $10 per minute)
[ ] Jaromir Jagr (Higher cost: $32,000 per day)

Please charge the account listed below $694.50 per day for the duration of the lockout. Please send me a picture of the player I have sponsored, along with an Jaromir Jagr 2001 Income Statement and my very own Bob Goodenow (Executive Director of the NHLPA player's Union) pin to wear proudly on my hat (include $80 for hat).

Your Name: _______________________

Telephone Number: _______________________

Account Number: _______________________ Exp.Date:_______

[ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express [ ] Other

Signature: _______________________

Alternate card (when the primary card exceeds its credit limit):

Account Number: _______________________ Exp.Date:_______

[ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express [ ] Other

Signature: _______________________

Thursday, July 15, 2004


An oxymoron is defined as:

"A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist."

Does this count?

Canadian Pride

We are not loud about being proud of Canada, but when the good ol' US of A slights us (or extols us) we seem to be all over it:

The bad:

Fox axes O Canada from broadcast

The Good:

WB network full of Canadian talent

Some more little tidbits:

* Mark Cuban, the Dallas billionaire behind ABC's The Benefactor, is a big Toronto booster. "I love T.O., it's one of my favourite cities in the whole wide world," he said. "I love the attitude, I love the people, I love the character of the city, I love the diversity of the city." Get this guy to the next Canada Walk Of Fame event!

Cuban says he's in our town at least once a year with his basketball team, the Dallas Mavericks, plus he usually drops in on the filmfest each fall. "I wish I could be there once a month," he said.

* Kelly Osbourne has Canada's left coast covered. Her new ABC teen drama life as we know it shoots in Vancouver, which is quickly becoming one of her favourite cities.

"To be honest with you, Canadians are so much nicer than Americans. I'm probably going to get in trouble for saying that. The people there are just so nice and helpful." No argument here, Kelly.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Wow that's tall....

Funny, I am 6' 1" and people think I am tall, I have never really thought that, I just think I am average, but this guy....

Monday, July 12, 2004

Jillian MacKinnon

I got an email today from Jillian MacKinnon, I had to think for a second before I realized who it was...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

Jillian and I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 last night. Truly amazing. I am still thinking about it today. Some of the scenes are funny, some are heartbreaking, some disgusting, but the overall feeling of the film (IMHO) is one of utter disillusionment. The American people are really being played as fools. It is sad that the Bush administration can get away with this, they are letting thousands of young Americans die so they can get richer. Doesn't the President take a solemn oath or something? Oh well, as bad as things may seem here sometimes, I am truly glad to be a Canadian.

Check out Michael Moores blog here.

Stay tuned

Hi Everybody

Well I have run into a few computer problems at home, this usually happens to me when I take my computer apart and start adding or removing parts, I am really not sure why? ;-)

Oh well, I will get it fixed soon, I have some great pics I want to post... I may be bold enough to bring them here to work and get started tomorrow, it will be Friday, after all...

Til then stay tuned...

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Back in Canada

Well we made it out of Vegas alive (and even with some money left)... It was a great trip, we are looking forward to telling everyone all about it!

We actually left the casino last night up money, Elvis was a great dealer, much better than Marilyn (we will explain that later)...

Can't wait to tell you all about it!

P & J (not the sandwich - Jillian)

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Getting Hitched

We are just about to visit the world famous "Little White Chapel" where Britney Spears herself was married (we think) ...

Had some ups and downs on the tables, but the McDonald's (Heather and Mike) are up $350.00!! They gave us money to bet for them and of course we won that bet... $350.00 U.S. will be a great surprise for them, lucky 30 red...

O (Cirque du soliel) was awesome! Like nothing we have ever seen. We just got back from the Golden Nugget, after spending the morning driving to Hoover Dam, it was a really good time...

A couple of minor celebrity sightings, too... Good old Jared from Subway at Caesers, as well as Rene (Celine Dion's Hubby) playing craps all by himself at a reserved table at Bellagio. It wasn't a $5 table either...

This will probably be the last post of our trip, because it is costing us about a months worth of access at home for these two, oh well, we are in Vegas, spend spend spend!

Bye for now,

The Honeymooners