Ahhh... 80's Rock...
Wouldn't you just love to go to this?
Cinderella is headlining the ROCK NEVER STOPS TOUR
Ratt, Quiet Riot & Firehouse are supporting...
I need a leatehr jacket, long hair, and my Iron Maiden T-Shirt Stat!
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Wouldn't you just love to go to this?
I feel that most scientific experiments have some real positive possibilities. I mean we are getting closer to curing certain diseases, etc... But why the heck are they trying to turn us into the Planet of the Apes?
Although it did say mean things to me Friday night...
Christine was commenting on 5 things the world would be better off without.
Chritine says that the whole Tom + Katie (err.. I mean Kate) SITUATION (or publicity stunt, call it what you want) is oddly fascinating. I agree. It is like when you are a kid and you have a loose tooth, it is painful to wiggle it with your tounge, but you just can't help yourself... Anyway, if you want more of these two, check this out... It is somewhat amusing... In a loose tooth sort of way...
They say the first step to solving your addictions is actually admitting that you have an addiction... So, in front of all my many tens of readers, I am admitting that I am addicted to ...
after a great long weekend. Like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. We really had a great weekend, the concerts were a lot of fun and we got to the beach yesterday and it was beautiful. The only bad thing was me forgetting rule #1 of the beach. I forgot to put sunscreen on my feet. I always put sunscreen on my feet. It is the first thing I usually do when we get to the beach. But, for some unknown reason I failed to do so this time. And now I have two well done feet. Oh well, another lesson learned.