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Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Davinci Code...

Most people it seems have either read the book, or at least know what its about. Personally I really enjoyed it. Now, like most successful novels, it is being made into a movie. I was excited when I learned this, it would make a great movie for sure. However, once I learned that Tom Hanks was cast as Robert Langdon I was totally put off. Not a good choice at all... If we could turn back the clock about 15 years or so and get a younger Harrison Ford then we might have something...

Anyway, strike 2 against the upcoming movie could be Sony's lack of cajones...

Da Vinci Code film to remove religious references, to avoid offence

They have got to be kidding? That would be like Taking the Chocolate Factory out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... then it would just be Charlie...

If that story is true then the movie is sure to bomb, I guess we will have to wait and see, maybe this is all just a trick to boost headlines and generate a fuss so they can sell more tickets...


Blogger David Amulet said...

I, like you, cannot believe this crap about taking the relgious references out of the movie. What would it be out ... creepy Frenchmen and some car chases? I suspect they will hug the book's plotline a little TOO closely--which, as I write here, is a shame. Feel free to check out my other posts, too, at DavidAmulet.blogspot.com; I may even make more comments on the Da Vinci Code issue soon. Keep up the good thoughts -- David Amulet

6:01 PM

Blogger David Amulet said...

Oops, the post on The Da Vinci Code is here.

6:02 PM


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