So Many Things I'm bousta do...
I can't even keep all of them straight in my head. That is why I need to get bousta up and running. At least I will have all these things organized somewhat, plus I can keep everyone informed about all of the important things I do. Important things like memorizing the lyrics to all of Weird Al's songs so I can be the life of the party. But seriously, I will chronicle all of my web development tasks, yardwork, golf games (no scores please), etc...
And just wait til travay is done! I will be the most organized person in the world! The problem is getting the stupid thing done. But when I do, watch out world!
I am slowly getting my stuff out there, pretty soon JustListedHomes will be live, not to mention d

My plan for World Domination is slowly coming together, and don't we all love it when a plan comes together?
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